

How sensitive is the neck?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How sensitive is the neck?
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Which is the sensitive part in a girl?

Her neck and shoulders :)

What are most sensitive parts of the body?

the neck is the most sensitive part of your body - WRONG The correct answer is your lip then thumb

Is back of the hand or back of the neck more sensitive to touch?


What are the most sensitive part of a womans body when giving her a full body massage?

The most sensitive part on a woman's baby when giving a massage would be her neck. When massaging a woman's neck it takes away her stress.

Why are humans sensitive?

There's things in the body that make you feel. Some parts like the neck are more sensitive than say the hand.

Which receptor in sensitive to changes in pressure?

Baroreceptors are sensitive to changes in blood pressure. The carotid sinus in the neck is one place where blood pressure is monitored and can be changed.

What are guys sensitive spots on their body?

Guys have the same sensitive spots as girls do... The collar bone, behind the ear, the inner thigh, and the back of the knee but the most common is their neck

Where to kiss the partner other than the lips to drive him wild?

Neck, ears, and shoulders are sensitive places to try.

Where should you touch her?

try her neck, earlobe, backside of her upper arms. :) some women are very sensitive on the backside of their knees.

What could be wrong with you if you have a stiff neck and when you move it it hurts your eyes are sensitive to light and hurt when you move them?

You might be allergic to the sun.

Which two body areas tested were most sensitive to touch?

The human body is a pretty interesting thing to study. The parts of the body that are least sensitive to touch are the ventral forearm & back of neck.

Is Dan Howells ticklish?

Yes, he is. He has said it on a stream before. He is ticklish on his ribs and most "normal" areas, and has an incredibly sensitive neck.