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Untreated the disease cause very serious type pain called as postherpatic neuralgia in elderly patients. They become miserable.

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Q: How serious is shingles?
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Shingles started 5 days ago new blisters just appeared is this normal?

Hope you are seeing a doctor. Shingles is very serious and can come back again. After this breakout, get the shingles vaccine. It is well worth it. Dont ignore it.

Can you die if you get shingles in your eyes?

Yes, shingles can cause blindness, because the virus can infect the eye. Untreated shingles can cause many serious complications, which makes it very important to seek proper medical care with this condition.

Does shingles always have open weeping lesions?

Not at all, but it can. Early disgnosis and treatment can prevent serious sores.

Can shingles appear on the outside nose area?

Yes. If you have shingles or similar-appearing bumps on the outside of your nose, it is critical that you get checked today by your health care provider, as infection affecting that nerve can also affect your eye, with serious consequences.

Does vaseline help shingles?

in recent times there has been a scientifical study to show that vaseline helps to improve the not itchyness of shingles, it also helps to open your pores, however it is not recommended to overuse otherwise there can be serious side effects (blue waffle)

Can you catch shingles from an adult who is infected with shingles?

A person with shingles can pass the virus to anyone who hasn't had chickenpox before. A person who has not had chickenpox can become infected through direct contact with a person who is infected with shingles. After becoming infected, the person will develop chickenpox, but not shingles. The infection can be very serious for people who have a compromised immune system. However, a person with a normal immune system who has already had chickenpox cannot be infected with shingles. If a person has not previously had the chickenpox, it is best to avoid contact with any person who is infected with shingles until the infection has cleared the person completely.

Can you get shingles from shingles if you have had shingles before?

No. Shingles is not contagious, but someone with shingles can give chicken pox or varicella to someone who has not had chicken pox before.

What is shingles in Spanish?


Can one pimple be shingles?

No. You only get shingles's if you have had chickenpox. No chickenpox no shingles's.

Will the shingles vaccine protect you from ever getting shingles?

Shingles vaccine protects you from the shingles for few years only.

Have there been any reports of delayed shingles vaccination side effects?

Shingles is an illness resulting from the same virus that causes Chicken Pox. Serious reaction to this vaccination are extremely rare. Most, if they happen, are very mild, and consist of redness and itching at the site of innoculation.

Can you get the shingles vaccine after having shingles?

You could get the vaccine if you already had shingles; but it may not help you from recurrence of zoster, which by the way is less than 5%. If it does recur, the vaccine may help you.