

How sex cells different from any other cell in your body?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Sex cells have 1/2 the number of chromosomes than body cells. In humans that is 23.

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Q: How sex cells different from any other cell in your body?
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How are sex cells are different from other body cells?

They have haploid number of chromosomes. They undergo meiosis cell division during their is the type of cell division in which the chromosome number of the parent is reduced cells to half in the daughter cells.

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Cause body cells have twice the chromosomes a sex cell has Body cells have 46 chromosomes and sex cells have 23 chromosomes.

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How are sex cells different from other cell in the body?

Sex cells have 1/2 the number of chromosomes of a normal cell (23)

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Can heart cells come from bone cells?

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