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Neither, it's a diphthong with the e pronounced like the e in "red" and the i pronunced like i in.."in". Le-if. And the L is not thick by the way.

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Q: How should Leif Erickson's name be pronounced like life or like leaf?
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Where is Leaf Eriksson from?

Leif Ericsson is from Greenland.I think.

Where did leaf Leif erikkson explore?

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Is there any historical connection between Leif Ericson and Canada's Maple Leaf flag?

No, there is not a historical connection

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Where was Leaf Eriksson born?

Leif Eriksson was born in Iceland but his Father Erik the Red got banned from Iceland and Norway. When he was about 10 he was forced to move to Greenland.

What changes came about in the world as a result of Leif Ericson's explorations?

He discovered North America during the time of autumn. To celebrate it, everyone said that autumn is the time when the "Leif falls," which was later changed to "leaf." This short phrase helps remind us of our northern European heritage!