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The baby is far too small and mobile at 11 weeks to be in any particuular position.

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Q: How should a baby be positioned at 11 weeks?
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Can you feel the baby kick at 11 weeks?

No. Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

How many weeks is a pregnant women if the baby was conceived on february 14 and today is may 1 2014?

May 2nd will be 11 weeks

Can you hear placenta sounds but not fetal sounds If you are 10 - 11 weeks pregnant and still be healthy pregnancy?

I never heard of placenta sounds?? You should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat by week 11-12 the latest.

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nope, this happened to me too .. they waited about 3 weeks, tried again and found the heartbeat. It's just because the baby is working to grow, and the fetus is so tiny its hard to pinpoint where the heart is.

Is it possible to hear the baby's heartbeat at 11 weeks with a stethoscope?

it's possible, but most women don't feel movement until around 20 weeks.

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You should get you period within six weeks. But i depends on how far along you were I had a early delievery at 21 weeks on 11/11/07 and still have not had a period.

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well when a baby is 11 months you should start teaching her how to walk talk and you should defiantly get her clothes because shes almost going to be 1

I am 11 weeks and 6 days pregnant on May 4th when is my baby due?

The average baby is born in 280 days or 40 weeks.

Can you feel the first fetal movement for your seconch child at 11 weeks pregnant?

I believe so. I am ten weeks pregnant and just started feeling my baby move!

If you miscarriage at 11 weeks do they take the baby out?

If the fetus doesn't come out by itself due to cramps, yes. They will scrape the uterus.

I am 5 weeks pregnant. Is it too early to get a sonogram?

No its not too early, but sometimes you cant really see anything more than the sac that surrounds the fetus. The baby is to small. But it has a heartbeat, although you may not hear it. And it doesnt "look" like a baby yet. But its a baby. Around 9 weeks, the baby will look like a miniature baby, tho. And around 10-11 weeks your doctor can probably find the heartbeat with a doppler.