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A samurai should believe he should act with loyalty, respect, and obedience towards his lord, following the code of bushido which emphasizes honor and duty. The samurai should prioritize their lord's well-being and interests above their own.

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Q: How should a samurai believe he should act toward his lord?
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Why do samurai have to serve their master?

Samurai were expected to serve their master as a form of loyalty and duty known as "bushido." This code of honor and ethics was deeply ingrained in samurai culture and emphasized the importance of serving one's lord with unwavering loyalty and obedience. Failing to do so would bring dishonor and shame to both the samurai and their family.

What were the beliefs and values of the Samurai?

Samurai believed in loyalty, honor, and self-discipline. They followed a code of conduct called bushido, which emphasized virtues like courage, integrity, and respect. Samurai also valued skill in martial arts and saw themselves as warriors bound to serve their lord with unwavering devotion.

Why did the values of the samurai code appeal to the Japanese for centuries?

The values of the samurai code, known as Bushido, emphasized traits like loyalty, honor, and self-discipline which resonated with Japanese society. These values provided a moral and ethical framework for the samurai class while fostering a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their lord and country. Additionally, the code instilled a sense of identity and pride among the samurai, contributing to its enduring appeal throughout Japanese history.

Why did the samurai reject intellectual pursuits that were valued by the Confucianisks?

Samurai prioritized martial skills and military training as they were warriors in feudal Japan. They valued physical strength, combat abilities, and loyalty to their lord over scholarly or intellectual pursuits favored by Confucian scholars that were more focused on moral cultivation and governance.

What are the two central ideas of the code of bushido?

The two central ideas of the code of Bushido are loyalty and honor. Loyalty is the samurai's unwavering commitment to their lord and master, while honor emphasizes the importance of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all aspects of life.