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Personal honor and loyalty to one's lord formed the heart of this code. Loyalty to one's lord was ore important than loyalty to family, religion, or even the emperor, and personal honor was also important. Samurai trained fiercely, fought bravely, and died with honor. The code also required warriors to take pride in their personal appearance.

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The two central ideas of the code of Bushido are loyalty and honor. Loyalty is the samurai's unwavering commitment to their lord and master, while honor emphasizes the importance of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all aspects of life.

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Which are the two most important enlightenment ideas?

Two key Enlightenment ideas are individualism, which emphasizes the rights and freedoms of the individual, and rationalism, which promotes the use of reason and logic to understand and improve the world. These principles were central to the intellectual and philosophical developments of the Enlightenment era.

What importnat documents reflect the influence of Enlightenment ideas?

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The Enlightenment Era directly influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution. It promoted ideas of liberty, individual rights, and the rejection of absolute monarchy, which were central to both revolutionary movements.

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Two Renaissance ideas that influenced the Reformation were humanism, which emphasized the importance of individual thinking and studying classical texts, and the focus on individual interpretation of religious texts, which challenged the authority of the Church.

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