

How should humans get energy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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humans should get energy by exercising being active and hanging out outside and playing with friends and not playing Video Games and watching television

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Q: How should humans get energy?
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Is there energy in human?

Humans (and other animals) derive their energy from digesting food which is eaten. The mechanism is a subject for biology, so I should rephrase your question as 'How do humans get their energy from food?' and put it into the Biology section.

Where do humans get energy from?

There are many sources that humans can get their energy from. Humans typically get their energy from different food sources.

Where do humans get there energy?

Humans use food for energy.

What is energy for humans?

thermal energy maybe?

Humans get there energy from what kind of energy?

humans get there energy from minerals and carbohydrates . the stored energy is changed in muscular energy.

Why should humans have more hydroelectric power?

Humans need more electricity, regardless of source. Hydroelectric and other renewable sources of energy are preferred to energy produced from the burning of fossil fuels.

Do humans have natural energy or is it acquired through food?

We acquire energy through the food we eat and sleep........ but both should not be taken in excess......

What do humans do before using energy?

Humans can't live without energy - they have always used energy.

What type of energy do humans use?

Humans use muscular energy, sound energy and many other

What is energy for?

Humans get energy from the food they eat.

What kind of energy do humans have?

chemical energy

Why do humans have to have food?

Humans need food to use for energy, without energy we die basically.