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Focus on the opportunities for work performance satisfaction, personal enrichment or career advancement that were impaired by the conflict in your prior workplace and how the job you are seeking will provide those opportunities. It is not necessary to detail the reasons (the conflict) for this impairment only that when you realized that you could not avail yourself of the opportunity you sought in your previous employment you made the decision to look for these opportunities in another employment situation. This will provide an opportunity to move into a complementary statement that your research into the interviewing company/department/career indicates to you that these opportunities are present in this employment setting. Remember that discussing the "conflict" will only cause concern for the interviewing employer about your abiity to perform without conflict in their workplace. Focusing on opportunities in their workplace that were absent in your previous workplace portrays yourself as a goal oriented person. Stay positive and I'm sure you will be successful. Good luck!

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Q: How should you explain in a job interview that you left your last job due to a conflict with another employee?
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