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Plants take in carbon dioxide and fix it as plant tissue. Primary consumers eat the plants and take in the carbon which is then passed along to a secondary consumer.

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Q: How some of the carbon becomes part of the fox's body?
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Where do the products in cellular respiration go?

The products of cellular respiration are water and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is taken away from the cell by the bloodstream and carried to the lungs, where it is expelled when you exhale. The water simply becomes part of the water in your body. The human body is mostly water anyway.

When plants die they decay they bring carbon into soil?

True! The carbon that was in a plant becomes part of the soil when the plant dies and decomposes.

What part of the body releases carbon dioxide?

The aorta realeases the carbon dioxide!!-CooKi3 MoNsTeR=)

What does oxygen become in cellular respiration?

It becomes part of the carbon dioxide and water molecules which are produced.

Are sponges silicon based life?

No, they are carbon-based as is all life on earth (as we know it). They do have silica as part of their body, but the main part is carbon.

Where does co2 loading occur?

- carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere: - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by the biosphere - part of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by body of waters

What part of the body most often becomes infected with tuberculosis?

your lungs

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The lungs are part of which body system?

The lungs is the part of the nervous body system. It helps in take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.------------------------------------------The lungs are part of the nervous system when you scream or talk. It is part of the respiratory system for when you breath in oxygen. It is part of the excretory system for when you breath out carbon dioxide.

What happens to the carbon in plants and animal's when the die?

the carbon gets passed along to another animal who eats the human or animal same with humans if the human eats an animal they get carbon. The carbon is and remains part of the organic matter making up the plant or animal. When eaten by another animal, it becomes part of the other animal. Otherwise the material remains on the ground where it remains and is consumed/processed by insects, mold, and bacteria and it becomes part of the insects/mold/bacteria until it dies. What is eventually left on the ground becomes part of the soil which nurtures growing plants, animals, and then the cycle repeats and continues.

What happens to the plants and animals carbon when they die?

the carbon gets passed along to another animal who eats the human or animal same with humans if the human eats an animal they get carbon. The carbon is and remains part of the organic matter making up the plant or animal. When eaten by another animal, it becomes part of the other animal. Otherwise the material remains on the ground where it remains and is consumed/processed by insects, mold, and bacteria and it becomes part of the insects/mold/bacteria until it dies. What is eventually left on the ground becomes part of the soil which nurtures growing plants, animals, and then the cycle repeats and continues.

What is the organs that provide the body with oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide is part of what system?

The organs that provide the body with oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide are part of the respiratory system.