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Q: How soon can a male dog make a female pregnant?
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This would be very uncommon - 4 months is quite young for a male to be fertile enough to impregnate a female.

Can a pregnant female rabbit be mean to a male rabbit?

Yes, she will. However... Male and Female rabbits should never be allowed to stay together when the female is pregnant. It is dangerous for both of them. The health of the doe is put at risk when she is kept with the male at this time, plus their is the added danger of injury to both through fighting. Once the babies are born the male will have to kept away from her as well. One reason is the male will be able to impregnate the female as soon as she has given birth, he may also kill the babies.

Do hamster need to be separated after mating?

As soon as you realize she is pregnant, you should cage her separately and in a quiet place, away from the male. The female tends to be moody in that stage of being pregnant. If she is with the male she might eat the offspring.

Can a female guinea pig be in the same cage as another male or female guinea pig?

It all depends,Is the male neutered?if he is then there is no problem if properly introduced, females are different the usually get along. If again properly introduced.ANSWER:*yes, if the male is neutered (female become pregnant as soon as male mounts her, even if you pull the male away fast there still is a 87% chance she is pregnant)*no, don't put a not neutered male in with female, unless planing to breed. (at 5-7 months)*Yes, another female would be great for company (introduce them for about a week then put them in same cage, or they may fight)

When to separate the male and female after mating?

As soon as spawning has finished she should be removed. The male will chase the female and kill her otherwise.

How long does a male leopard stay with its familly?

Only the female raises the young. The male leave as soon as be breeds with the female.

Do you remove the male guinea pig when the female guinea pig is pregnant?

yes! its very important to remove them if you think she is pregnant, or already is. he could cause her to much stress, and may attack her. also when the babies are old enough to not have milk from mamma (depending on the baby, but ushually 3 weeks) separate boys from girls.

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They don't have sex. The female lays eggs and then the male will soon "fertilize" the eggs. Then, baby feesh! WOOPIE

Could you get pregnant when you're eleven years old?

as soon as a female has her first menstruation she can become pregnant

Do tiger take care of there baby?

Usually the female tiger takes care of the cub. The female tiger leaves the male tiger as soon as it is pregnant and goes to a far off place to avoid the male. This is because the male tiger may pose a threat to the infant cub. Sometimes, male tiger may also kill it's own cub.

How will the male guinea pig react to a female guinea pig being pregnant?

you should probably take the male out because he might try to mate with the female again. also, if he is in the cage when the female gives birth, he might kill the babies. the male will NOT kill the babys ....they are fine to stay with the female but must be removed just befor the mother gives birth or as soon as posable after as the male will want to then mate as soon as the babys are born ....also the male will not want to mate with the female while she is pregnant as she will not be on heat.. it is also best not to put the male bk in with the female unless u wanted them to mate again and if that is so plz let the female rest for a least 3/4 months after she has had the is also important to remove the males babys from sisters and mother at 4 weeks as the brother will mate with sisters and mothers when they r only 4 weeks old ...i hope this helps :)

How many litters can a female dwarf hamster have in her lifetime?

About thirty if you don't separate her from the male, although if she gets pregnant too soon after giving birth the babies may be born dead or disformed.