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It is quite a complex ordeal when trying to guesstimate your expected chances of pregnancy during a particular time. But I will try to explain as simply as possible. * Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse * Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation * For most(but not all) women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period. Here is a link that will help you figure the probability of you being pregnant: To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1-2 days before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * wait for the results! Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue

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15y ago

With an EPT, within a day or two of the day you should have started your period.

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Q: How soon can you take a home pregnancy test to tell if you are pregnant?
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How soon you can use home pregnancy test?

as soon as you think you are pregnant ,just take the test to see.

How do ladies find they are pregnant what should they do?

They should take a home pregnancy test and/or go to see their Dr and tell them that you may be pregnant. If you have a positive home pregnancy test see your Dr as soon as possible and they will tell you what to do.

How soon can you find out I am pregnant?

You can take an at home pregnancy test up to 4 days before your expected pregnancy. The longer you wait the more accurate result you get but you can as soon as 4 days before.

How soon can you take a pregnancy test if you are still taking the pill?

you can take one at any time you think you are pregnant.

If you take a pregnancy test and it said you were not pregnant should you take an ultrasound?

was it a pregnancy test at the hospital or at home if at home get the ultra sound if at the hospital don't bother

How you can test that you are pregnant or not?

The easiest way to know if you are pregnant or not is to take a home pregnancy test or to see your Dr.

When can you take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant?

you can take a test as soon as you are a day late on your period as this will then show hormones in your body.

If you have the IUD but you have been having heartburn an you havent got your period could you be pregnant?

Getting pregnant with an IUD in place is rare but it does happen. If you feel that you may be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible due to possible health risks to you and to the pregnancy.

How soon after intercourse can one take a home pregnancy test?

You can get a positive result on a home pregnancy test as soon as 8 days past ovulation. However if you test that early you are more likely to get a negative even if you are pregnant. It is best to wait until the day you miss your period to have the best chance of getting a correct reading.

How soon after missed period should you take pregnancy test?

The day of your missed period if your worried about being pregnant.

If I just had my daughter 5 months ago and I think I am pregnant again what symptoms should I watch for and how soon will I know that I am pregnant again?

You can take a home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after having unprotected sex or you could see your Dr. The symptoms could be similar as your first pregnancy.

Who can you call to ask questions about a if im pregnant or not?

A Dr will be able to tell you if you are pregnant or not. You can also take a home pregnancy test.