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They usually eat right after they hatch. Some die quickly, so if you are housing them, give them a damp sponge 4 water, and small bugs, such as aphids, gnats, or fruit flies. Let all but 3 or 4 go if you have multiple.

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Q: How soon do praying mantis babies eat after hatching?
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How long does a female praying mantis live after giving birth?

she will leave as soon as they are in the egg sack/ bubble, and soon aftre that she will dei.

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They are called precocial.

How long will it take for a praying mantis to molt after the first time?

Mantis nymphs may molt five to ten times in all, depending on the species. They grow larger with each molt. The last time it slips out of its tight skin, it will have fully formed wings. At first, they are wrinkled and pale. Soon they are stretched out and begin to dry.

How do you catch a praying mantis?

You must move very slowly towards the praying mantis you are planning on catching, the safest way of catching one is to get a glass or plastic jar and a lid in your pocket, now come toward it very slowly and then quickly cover it with the jar and put on the lid. Remember to punch air holes into the lid and voila you have your praying mantis. But a glass or plastic jars do not make good homes for your new found praying mantis, buy a aquarium and put in grass and dirt and make it look like outside. Now carefully put your new pet inside.

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No, they leave the nest about 14 days after hatching.

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They leave when the egg is distributed. They return soon after hatching.

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Well I'm just a 18 and i want to be an Entomologist when I grow up and I have a pet praying mantis to and it hasn't eaten for two days. If it has laid eggs it is probably going to die soon. about the food if you have fed it a lot it doesn't need to eat for quite a long time. Sometimes if its not eating it probably needs water just use a spray bottle and spray in what ever its in. It could be of old age.

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I need to know SOON... pleaz help me ppl

How do mother animals know their own babies?

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Can you remove your betta male as soon as the fry start hatching?

Once they are free swimming remove the male.