

How sperm cell form?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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9y ago

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Sperm cells forms the two interrelated processor. The initial steps before the cell specialized into spermatozoa are mitosis and meiosis. Overall the process is known as spermatogenesis.

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This cell is called a zygote.

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A male sex cell is a spermatozoa, or sperm cell. Sperm are produced in the testes, or testicles, and mixed with nutrients to form semen.

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No. Every cell is a somatic cell except for the reproductive cells (the egg and sperm). They are gametes.

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Life begins when the egg cell and sperm cell unite to form the zygote.

Why is a zygote form?

A zygote is the single cell that forms when a sperm fertilizes the egg. A zygote forms because a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell.

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The Human sperm cell is called a haploid so its 23 chromosomes can join up with 23 of the female's to form a diploid cell. A motile sperm cell is called spermatozoon while a non motile sperm cell is refered to as spermatium.

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In sexual reproduction, a sperm and egg cell unite to form the first cell of the new offspring.

What happens when a sperms cell and an egg all unite?

When a sperm cell and an egg cell unite they form a zygote which now has the DNA it needs to divide and form a new individual. The sperm cell and the egg cell have one half the amount of DNA necessary to form a new individual.

Where does egg cell and sperm cell unit to form a zygote?

I don't know really.

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a diploid