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Q: How successful is surgery to scrape the joint verus joint replacement in stopping the pain from arthritis in finger?
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How is shoulder replacement done?

Shoulder joint replacement is very successful in relieving any type of shoulder joint pain. This surgery can correct any form of painful shoulder condition and associated shoulder Arthritis type. This surgery is considered a final treatment plan, when all forms of lifestyle change and medications fail to cure pain. Painful shoulder arthritis means the removal of smooth cartilage surfaces of the shoulder.

What surgery for arthritis of the toes?

There is no surgery that will cure arthritis. some surgery may help in alleviating pressure on nerves that are related to pain and operation of muscles or the removal of bone spurs and in some cases the complete replacement of joints that are no longer viable.

Where can one find information on hip replacement surgery?

Online, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases website features in depth information on hip replacement surgery in a question and answer format.

Is surgery possible for rheumatoid arthritis?

rheumatoidarthritis is an autoimmune disease that attacks joints and other tissue of the body there is no cure for it at present. Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to surgery in the form of replacement joints and repairs to the damage it may eventually do,

Can arthritis cause severe pain when diagnosed in both hips?

Yes, bilateral hip arthritis can be excruciating. If the arthritis is so severe that mobility is limited, the doctor may recommend a hip replacement surgery.

How Shoulder Replacement Surgery Is Done?

Shoulder joint replacement is very successful in relieving any type of shoulder joint pain. This surgery can correct any form of painful shoulder condition and associated shoulder arthritis type. This surgery is considered a final treatment plan, when all forms of lifestyle change and medications fail to cure pain. Painful shoulder arthritis means the removal of smooth cartilage surfaces of the shoulder.

Does surgery always result in arthritis?

No, surgery does not always result in arthritis.

How common is total knee ligament replacement surgery?

There are 5 main types of knee replacement surgery: Total knee replacement. This is the most common form. Your surgeon replaces the surfaces of the thigh bone and shin bone that connects to the knee. Partial knee replacement. If arthritis affects only one side of your knee, this surgery may be a possibility. However, it’s only right for you if you have strong knee ligaments and the rest of the cartilage in the knee is normal. Partial knee replacement can be performed through a smaller cut than is needed for total knee replacement. Patellofemoral replacement. This replaces only the under-surface of the kneecap and the groove the kneecap sits in. This can be very effective for people with chronic kneecap arthritis. Complex (or revision) knee replacement. This procedure may be needed if you have very severe arthritis or if you’ve already had two or three knee replacement surgeries. Cartilage restoration: Sometimes when the knee only has an isolated area of injury or wear this area can be replaced with a living cartilage graft or cells which grow into cartilage.

I have to have a knee replacement. I want to know if there are other options to treat the problem instead of a surgery.?

Why do you have to have a knee replacement? We can't help you if you don't tell us what the cause of the problem is. There may be options for you, especially if the reason for knee replacement is pain (due to arthritis, etc).

Can fusion surgery of the 4th and 5th vertebrae lead to arthritis?

that would be unlikely as arthritis is problem with joints and fusion surgery stabilizes joints.

Are there risks to getting a hair replacement?

Hair replacement surgery, as with any surgery, is inherently fraught with risk. One of the main risks for a hair replacement surgery patient is numbness.

Can you get an ankle replacement?

Yes. You can get an ankle replacement surgery.