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-mainly because of appeasement

-neither Britain nor France wanted to go to war

-everything was done to prevent any repetition of the first world war

-invasion of Czechoslovakia made it very clear that Hitler was a real threat (1938)

-people thought that once Hitler got what he had wanted (e.g. Sudetenland) he would not bother about more

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Knowing the reluctance of the European nations to go back to war from which they were still trying to recover from , A.H. deftly reversed the penalties of war-reparations that were imposed upon the German nation and it's citizenry by the Treaty of Versailles which was considered disgraceful to the German people .

A.H. simply out maneuvered the diplomats by hinting that Germany would once again resort to war to attain it's political goals .

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Q: How successful was Hitler's foreign policy in achieving his aims?
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