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Q: How successful were the Indian resistance to british attempts to take control of lands in sub continents?
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British attempts to tax the colonies with laws like the Townshend Acts were resisted by the colonists because?

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How successful were british attempts to take control of lands in the subcontinent between 1750 to 1856?

(c) How successful was Indian resistance to British attempts to take control of lands in the sub-continent between 1750 and 1850? Explain your answer. LEVEL 1: Simplistic statement. [1--2] The British imposed their will on the sub-continent. LEVEL 2: Description of annexation [3--6] Outlines the events in Bengal, the Punjab, NWFP and Sindhi. LEVEL 3: Explains successes OR failures [7--10] LEVEL 4: Explains successes AND failures [9--13] Successes: power of local Nawabs early successes of Tipu Sultan Ranjit Singh Failures: strength of British army eventual failure of Tipu Sultan and Ranjit Singh conquests of British against weaker opposition LEVEL 5: As Level 4 -- also produces a judgement or evaluation [14

Where British began stationing regular British troops at the center of colonial resistance?

did the British began stationing regular British troops at the center of colonial resistance: Philadelphia

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What events ignited the Revolutionary War?

The attempts to destroy the military depot established at Concord by the Continental Congress and capture the patriot leaders John Hancock and Samuel Adams, ordered by British Gen. Thomas Gage and the armed resistance opposed to the British troops by the colonial militia.

Did a circular letter urged resistance to a british taxation?

As the British government passed new tax laws, resistance by the colonists grew.

What continents did the British Empire own in the 1900s?

In the 1900's, the British Empire owned other continents. These included North America, South America, as well as Africa.

How many continents in the British isles?

The British Isles are all contained within the continent of Europe.

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What role did everyday people play in the resistance to British taxes?

they were often in the forefront of the resistance of the measures Plato

What role did everyday people play in the resistance british taxes?

they were often in the forefront of the resistance of the measires Plato