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Quoted from the giant form Jack and the Beanstalk, "It depends what you're trying to grow. Have you faith, have you tall turnip plants."

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Q: How tall can a turnip plant get how tall can a turnip plant get?
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Related questions

What part of the plant does the turnip come from?

The turnip grows inside the soil which is classified as a root.

How do you plant the red turnip for wendell to eat in animal crossing ww?

U get a turnip from joan and dig a hole and plant the red turnip. Wait and when the turnip is full grown, get it and give it to wendell.

What plant is an underground roots?

Carrot, sweet potato and turnip

What part of a plant is the turnip?

it is the root (a tap-root) it is the root (a tap-root)

What animals ends with ip?

I am not sure there is an animal. but there is a plant named Turnip

How do you plant a turnip in animal crossing ww?

Every sunday, Joan comes to your town selling turnips and turnip seeds. You can buy red turnip seeds for 1000 bells per package. Plant it and water at least 3 times a day. In about 4 days, dig it up with your shovel.

Is a turnip a fruit?

No, the turnip is not a fruit. It is a root vegetable. The turnip is in the Brassicae family, along with radishes.

Aside from ginger plant what else plants roots used for food?


What plant whose root is commonly eaten by humans?

Carrot, potato, turnip, ginseng.

Why do you think the turnip grew so big?

Because the gardener watered it and fed it plant fertilizer.

What kind of plant is turnips?

The turnip, like the potato, the carrot, the beet and the radish, is a root vegetable. On top, it's a turnip plant. If you dig it up out of the soil, you have your turnip.

A widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root?
