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Q: How tall was Martha Washington really?
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What was Martha Washington's weight?

Martha Washington Was Five Feet Tall and Weighed 145LBS

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What did Martha Washington do when George Washington was in officecom?

She was really worried about him and tried to help him out....

Did Martha Washington help shape America?

Martha didnt really help her husband, George Washington, did arter the Revolutionary war.

How did Martha Washington help shape America?

Martha didnt really help her husband, George Washington, did arter the Revolutionary war.

Who is Martha ann curtis?

Martha Curtis is the wife of George Washington. She was called Patsy Washington because her father called her Patsy. Therefore, George Washington the first President called his wife Patsy not Martha Washington. So they were really George and Patsy Washington. (another answer) Martha Curtis is a great violinist who struggled with many social and physical restraints. George Washington's wife's name was Martha Custis. C-U-S-T-I-S

Did Martha Washington have a job before entering politics?

Martha did not work outside of the home and did not really enter politics.

What was Martha Washington for?

Martha Washington was remebered for being George Washington's wife.

George Washington wife?

George Washington married the widow Martha Custis in 1759.

What is Martha Washington's full name?

Martha dandridge custis Washington Martha dandridge custis Washington

What was George Washington's wife last name?

Martha's maiden name was Dandridge. She then married Daniel Parke Custis, who was 20 years her senior; Custis died 7 years later.When Martha married George Washington, 2 years after her first husband died, she was known as Martha Dandridge Custis.

What was Martha Washington's date of death?

Martha Washington died in 1802 Martha Washington died in 1802 May 22, 1802