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Q: How technology helps people with disease of digestive system or urinary?
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How is technology used to help people with diseases of the digestive system or urinary system?

well i dont know

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the gall bladder is part of the digestive system because it It produces and stores the bile.

How tall do people with crohns disease grow?

Crohn's (a digestive disease) does not affect growth or height.

How is technology used to help people with uriary and digestive disorders and desieses?

pontcal aluonam salk protein

How has technology helped to reduce the spread of infectious disease?

Technology can help to reduce the spread by informing people which diseases are on the rise and how to protect themselves. It can also inform people about the disease and how it is spread. Technology can also show the history of this diseased or one similar to this one so people can know the symptoms. Also it can help people tell if they are possibly getting the disease so they can catch it early and get cured or get medical attention. Technology can also help with telling people how many cases have been reported and where so they know if where they live have a higher or lower risk of getting the disease.

What does celiacs do to your digestive system?

Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease. Eating a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease control their signs and symptoms and prevent complications.

How technology helps people with diseases of the digestive system?

The specialized medical doctor on digestive issues is the professional who will tell you what kind of exam is necessary, according to the claims of the patient. One of the technologies used to verify "in loco" what is the problem, is the digestive endoscopy. There are also ultrasound, X-rays, Tomography... However, depending on the symptoms declared by the patient, the medical doctor is able to say what is happening, without the needing of such "technologies". Only when severe symptoms is declared by the patient, the medical doctor will ask for those exams performed by modern medical devices. Prevention doesn't require the use of technology. Prevention means that everyone has to follow healthy habits. Detection followed by cure is possible when the patient go to the doctor precociously.

Is linseed is good food for every one?

Linseed is not recommended for people who have digestive diseases (e.g ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease etc...)

How does modern technology change people life?

With the help of science and technology people are now able to cure and eradicatr many disease that caused epidemics like cholera smallpox and plague a few decace ago

How is technology improving people lives?

In a medical sense, technology is improving people's lives because of better diagnostic equipment. Because of earlier and more effective diagnoses, disease and other conditions are more efficiently treated.

After successful bladder infection treatment, is the infection likely to return?

The urinary infection is a very common disease among young women. The disease recurrence is very common. Some have estimated that almost half of people who have the infection get it again within a year.

How many people die a month of crohns disease?

Readily available cause of death statistics do not list Crohns as a specific condition. In the United States, deaths related to the digestive system amount to 9.6 percent of the total number of monthly deaths. This translates into approximately 4,000 people per month who die from some form of digestive ailment including cancer. Crohns disease would be a very small percentage of those people.