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Q: How the day after thanksgiving became the busiest shopping day of the year?
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The day after Thanksgiving is known as the busiest shopping day in the world.

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While many online retailers offer deals on Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving), the busiest online shopping day takes place on the Monday or Tuesday a week or two before the week of Christmas.

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What is the busiest shopping day of the year?

yes black Friday is the buisiest shopping day of the year because people are trying to score deals. and get gifts for Christmas the holiday. i have just inproved that answer of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the busiest shopping day for men in the year?

For men - it has to be Christmas eve.

Do the French celebrate Thanksgiving?

If you're referring to the Friday after Thanksgiving Day in the US, you should know that 'black friday' is not a holiday and it's only 'celebrated' by people who like shopping for bargains. I know that it's hard to believe, but many Americans do not like shopping and most Americans stay out of stores on the busiest shopping day of the year. Since the French don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and I'm guessing that their Christmas is not as commercial as it is in the US, and that a 'mad shopping day' to prepare for the next holiday probably isn't of great interest to the French. The only other country to have a holiday for Thanksgiving is Canada, which is celebrated on a Monday.

What are the top 5 busiest days of the year for pizza delivery?

According to busiest days of the year for pizza chains are: New Year's eve,Superbowl Sunday,Halloween,New Years day and Thanksgiving Eve.

True or False: the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year.?


Busiest travel day of the year?

Sundays. Most return to work on a Monday. Flights are often cheaper Tueday to Thursday, less traffic.

What are facts about Black Friday?

It occurs on the Friday following Thanksgiving and is the busiest shopping day of the year marking the official beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Many stores open much earlier than normal and give out door prizes or deeper discounts to entice shoppers to visit their store first. It becomes a shopping frenzy or mad house like "the running of the bulls" which results in injuries to some shoppers every year. The media loves to report on these incidents.

When is the next Black Friday?

Assuming you mean Black Friday, the shopping day, it is always the day after Thanksgiving. So the next Black Friday will be the day after Thanksgiving next year.

Who started the Black Friday in the us?

No official start, but it has been around for nearly 100 years as retailers deem the day after Turkey day Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. It became the thing to do after the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.