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when the three men find the treasure, they wanted to take all of it and not share. so they planned to kill each other. at last no one got the treasure, they all died in each others trap. so this explains that greed is the root of all evil.

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1mo ago

In the Pardoner's tale, the three rioters act out of greed, leading to their downfall as they end up killing each other over money. The exemplum demonstrates how their greed for wealth and material possessions ultimately drives them to commit heinous acts. Through their actions, Chaucer illustrates how the pursuit of wealth can corrupt individuals and lead to destructive consequences.

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Q: How the exemplum of the Pardoner's tale proves that greed is the root of all evil?
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What moral does the pardoners tale want us to draw from this tale?

The moral of "The Pardoner's Tale" is that greed is the root of all evil. The tale warns against the destructive power of greed and the consequences that come with it. It cautions against the pursuit of wealth at the expense of moral values.

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One thematic question raised by "The Pardoner's Tale" is whether greed and deception ultimately lead to downfall or redemption. The tale explores the consequences of these moral shortcomings through the characters' actions and decisions.

Money is the root of the evil?

The greed for the money is the root of all evil.

Root of all evil is greed?

Let me put it this way. The bible says that the greed for the money is the root of all evil. In other words money is not at all evil, till you get to greedy.

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It is the greed for the money that is the root of all evil.

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Chaucer seems to suggest that greed and hypocrisy can lead to downfall, as seen through the Pardoner's deceitful actions and manipulative nature. The tale serves as a warning against the destructive effects of avarice and the dangers of placing material wealth above spiritual values.

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There is no god of greed. Greed is greed. It was one of the evils that came from Pandora's box, touching every mortal and causing them to become evil. Greed caused people to be greedy.

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Please note the bible says that the greed for money is the root of all evil.

Some people say that money is the root of all evil?

No the bible says the greed for the money is the root of all evil.