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you smell- love julian

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Q: How the forerunners of sociology helps develop the evolution of the present understanding and study of sociology?
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What does embryology tell you about evolution?

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, or the development of the individual summarizes the evolution of the species. For example, human embryos go through a stage in which they develop gills as did their aquatic forerunners.

How develop sociology in US?


In which country did sociology develop as a formal discipline first?

Sociology first appeared as a formal discipline in the France.

In which countries did sociology develop first?

Sociology developed first in Western European countries such as France and Germany during the 19th century. Key figures like Auguste Comte, Γ‰mile Durkheim, and Max Weber contributed to the early foundations of the discipline.

How sociology applied in social life?

Sociology is applied in social life by helping us understand how society shapes individuals and how individuals in turn shape society. It allows us to study social structures, institutions, and patterns of behavior to better understand issues such as inequality, social change, and cultural diversity. By applying sociological perspectives, we can analyze and address social problems, promote social justice, and create more inclusive and equitable communities.

Did Einstein develop the theory of evolution?

no Charles Darwin was the first scientist to develop the theory of evolution. Einstein was a math teacher. and was first put into 'special' classes

A historian makes an interpretation when he or she?

Answer this question… analyzes evidence to develop a better understanding of the past.

Who is the most famous scientist to develop the theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. Charles Darwin. A+

On which ship did Charles Darwin develop his theory of evolution?

the beagle

How has evolution aided organisms in meeting their need for energy?

Some of the adaptations they develop through Evolution help them acquire energy.

How did Herbert Spencer define sociology?

Herbert Spencer defined sociology as the science that studies the development, organization, and functioning of human societies. He believed that societies evolved in a manner similar to organisms, with different societal structures and institutions serving specific functions to ensure the survival of the whole.

Who developed the concept of sociology?

Auguste Comte is often credited with developing the concept of sociology in the 19th century. He is considered one of the founding figures of sociology for his work in developing a systematic approach to the study of society and social behavior.