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Progesterone is the hormone that prevents menstruation and maintain pregnancy. It is initially produced by the corpus luteum.

After the corpus luteum has broken down, the placenta takes over the production of progesterone from the 8th week of pregnancy until birth. Therefore, it is the placenta which keeps the level of the hormone (progesterone) high throughout pregnancy.

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Q: How the level of a hormone which prevents menstruation remains high during pregnancy even after the corpus luteum has broken down?
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What occurs during the menstrual cycle?

The cycle starts with menstruation. From day 1 to 5 of the cycle, a drop in the level of the hormone progesterone causes the uterus lining to break down (menstruation), it is released as blood through the vagina. From day 6 to 10, The ovaries produce estrogen which will cause the uterus lining to rebuild. Another hormone FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) produced in the brain (especifically, the pituitary gland) causes one of the follicles in the ovary to mature. A follicle contains an egg cell. From day 11 to 15, the level of estrogen drops and the pituitary gland in the brain produces a hormone called LH (lutenizing hormone), which will trigger the release of the egg cell from the matured follicle (this is called ovulation). From day 16 to 20: the remains of the follicle in the ovary (now called Corpus luteum) will secrete progesterone, which will keep the uterus lining thick, in case fertilization occurs between a sperm cell and the newly released egg cell. From day 17 to 27, the Corpus Luteum breaks down causing a drop in the level of progesterone, which will trigger menstruation and the cycle re-starts.

Can a girl get pregnant before menarche?

Yes, a girl can get pregnant before she reaches menarche. Menarche is first menstruation, and menstruation only occurs as a result of ovulation if the egg is not fertilised. Although sometimes first bleeding can be a result of hormonal changes, mistaken for menstruation, it still remains that a girl can become pregnant before reaching menarche.

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remains same as alcohol prevents water loss from the cells

When the fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus what is this called?

An ectopic pregnancy.

Can marijuana give false positive pregnancy tests?

It shouldn't THC (the psychoactive chemical in marijuana) works by mimicking neurotransmitters in your brain. It is broken down into metabolites and remains in the blood for days to weeks, depending how often marijuana is used. Home pregnancy tests test for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a hormone released once implantation of the egg occurs. I see no reason as to why THC metabolites would affect a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests have also been known to give false positives too, so taking two is always a good idea.

When should HCG levels go up?

The level of the hormone human Chorionic Gandotropin, more commonly known as hCG is the hormone whos levels are usually what is tested for during a pregnancy test which you have done by your doctor. A high level of hCG indicates a positive pregnancy. In some cases the increased hCG level can be detected in your blood as early as 8 days after conception, but in most cases it is usually around 11 days. During the course of your pregnancy your hCG levels will increase and decrease, with the levels doubling on average every 30-31 hours until they peak, usually around the 9th and 10th weeks of your pregnancy. The level of hCG then decreases slightly until the 16th week where it remains fairly constant until birth

Is it mifepristone medicine effective to remove the 1 month pregnancy?

Up top the 9th week Mifepristone will kill the embryo and end the pregnancy but you need Misoprostol to clean out the uterus from the remains.

How long after having a baby does the hcg pregnancy hormone stay in your system?

The maximum HCG is reached between 9 and 10 weeks and then falls until 18 weeks when it remains level until the end of pregnancy. It then starts falling as soon as the placenta is delivered. I am not certain, but I believe it is negligible after 3 days.