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Q: How the medical assistant can ensure confidentiality of patient information during a visit to health care facility?
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What are the students responsibility regarding patients and facility confidentiality as a medical assistant?

to protect patients and workers

how can i get a nursing assistant certificate?

This website ( offers information about how to get a nursing assistant certificate. It says you have to go to college or a medical facility to get it.

Is it illegal to reveal someone is HIV positive?

Laws regarding HIV confidentiality apply to certain individuals who work in certain fields. For example, if you work in a medical facility and are privy to HIV information, you are required by law to keep that information private. HIPPA laws, which guide privacy rules about medical information, apply.

Confidentiality of medical information is legally protected by?

the Kennedy kassenbaum bill of 1996

What does confidentiality mean in caring?

confidentiality mean to keep all personal information and details safe and pricate. for example medical information

Which of the following might constitue breach of patient doctor confidentiality?

IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT MY PATIENT MIGHT KILL SOME BODY AND I AS HIS DOCTOR KNOW THAT IS IT MY DUTY TO BREACH HIS CONFIDENTIALIT?Medical assistant phones patient to convey test resultsAnother View: The above answer does NOT qualify as a breach of confidentiality. Under HIPAA, if the assistant properly identifies the individual as one who is authorized to receive the information, passing the information is allowable.

How bookkeeping and banking affect the position of medical assistant?

Bookkeeping and banking do not affect the position of medical assistant. one can find this information by asking a local medical assistant or a bookkeeper.

How can the medical assistant help prevent a breach of patient confidentiality by the placement of charts in wall holders?

Prevent breach charts in wall holder

What types of information could affect confidentiality?

Information such as personal identifiable information (PII), financial information, medical records, and private communications can all affect confidentiality if they are disclosed or accessed by unauthorized individuals. Sharing of passwords, negligence in handling sensitive data, and insecure communication channels can also compromise confidentiality.

If a medical assistant looks at a patient's medical records are they breaching patient doctor confidentiality?

Actually patient-provider confidentiality is not breached if a medial assistant looks in a patients' chart. Medical assistant's are considered providers of healthcare also. It is reasonable to understand that the medical assistant and even the nurse will access your chart if their is a need to. Upon triage the medical assistant will triage and note their findings accordingly in your chart as required by law. The medical assistant may also need to access your chart for the purpose of obtaing an authorization for medication or even diagnostic procedures as ordered by a physician. It is required by law that you sign a "consent for treament" before medical services are provided. Contained within that consent it will clearly state "My doctor or designee". A medical assistant is a "designee" of the physician to perform these tasks. The Privacy Act of 1974 and the HIPAA Act of 1996 are the guidelines to live by in patient-provider confidentiality. Doctor-patient confidentiality means exactly that; anyone viewing the records besides the doctor or the patient without permission constitutes a breach. There are some exceptions but these tend to occur in a hospital setting, or a mental institution. Even then, other staff participating in treatment will typically keep their own records as necessary.

Can spouse give medical history info?

Yes, a spouse can give medical history information about their partner with the partner's consent. It is important to respect the patient's privacy and confidentiality when sharing medical information.

How can a medical assistant ensure patient privacy while preparing the patient for the physical examination?

A medical assistant can be considerate of/to a patient by simply being as kind and as caring as possible. If the medical assistant has been in that persons situation and they don't mind talking about their personal life then that would really be beneficial to the patient. this would allow the patient to have an insight of what they are about to go through and they don't have to worry as much, that is a very considerate medical assistant. An other way for a medical assistant to be considerate is to not judge their patients for their life or what they have done to get in the situation they are in.