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You need to get the air liquid and then evaporate it - oxygen evaporates more easily than nitrogen. At normal pressure, air gets liquefied at about 78 kelvin (-195 degrees Celsius).

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Q: How the nitrogen is separated from air. what is the needed temperature for that?
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Related questions

How is air separated into nitrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Air is separated in components by fractional distillation.

Who separated nitrogen from air?

The method of obtaining nitrogen from air was developed by Dr Carl von Linde.

What kind of state does nitrogen have?

At reasonable temperature nitrogen is a gas. Most of the air is nitrogen.

Which of the following substances can be separated into several elements nitrogen air aluminum and why not zinc?

nitrogen aluminum and zinc are elements therefore they cannot be separated into several elements

What is the difference between nitrogen in the atmosphere and liquid nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen is made by taking in air from the atmosphere and compressing and cooling it. Once it is cool enough, it forms a liquid. This liquid contains argon, oxygen and nitrogen. These elements are then separated and sold as a commodity. The temperature is the only difference.

What is the state of nitrogen at room temperature?

Nitrogen is a gas at room temperature. It makes up almost 80% of the air we breathe.

How can you get nitrogen out of the air?

by fractional liquefaction, you separate various gasses from air by the temperature they liquify.

Is Nitrogen is a solid at room temperature and pressure?

Liquid nitrogen can be kept at room temperature at sufficient pressure. Otherwise, it is a gas.

Is nitrogen gas liquid or solid?

Nitrogen at room temperature (i.e. it's normal state) is a gas.

Which weather tool measures air temperature?

The temperature of the air in the shade. The temperature of the air is a measure of the degree of molecular movement of all the Nitrogen and Oxygen molecules that largely make up air.

How can you make nitrogen?

Nitrogen is an element it is not possible to create one element ( unless you take a radioactive element which decomposes or fuses to give other elements , but I am pretty sure no radioactive substance decomposes or fuses to give nitrogen ). However we can get nitrogen by decomposing it's compounds such as ammonia , nitrogen di oxide (these reactions require special conditions such as high temperature and pressure). But these reactions can't be considered as "making" nitrogen as nitrogen is required to make these compounds . Nitrogen occupies 78% of air so there is no need for specially making it. It can be separated from air by the process of liquefaction.

What is nitrogen at room temp?

Nitrogen is a gas under room temperature. It is in fact the most abundant gas in ourr atmosphere. Nitrogen can also be in the form of liquid nitrogen which can be used to make ice cream and create smoke for culinary decoration.