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how are cells adapted?

sperm cells

white blood cells

red blood cells

pollen cells

leaf cells Cells may adapt gradually through evolution or more rapidly through specialization.

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16y ago
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11y ago

the nucleus is in the egg cell and has a egg around it

the nucleus is also black

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9y ago

The nucleus is adapted to what it does because it is enclosed and big enough to store the cells DNA. The thick semi permeable membrane protects the nucleus from toxic substances.

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Q: How the nucleus adapted to its function?
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What is the function of the nucleus and where is it located?

there is no function to the nucleus. the nucleus is located in the middle of your body:)

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Lymphocytes produce antibodies to defend against disease. They have a large nucleus that contains many copies of genes for the production of antibodies.

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that is because the necleus has adapted to its job

What is the function of the cells nucleus?

The function of a cell nucleus is to maintain the integrity of genes and control activities of the cell. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

What is the function of cells nucleus?

The function of a cell nucleus is to maintain the integrity of genes and control activities of the cell. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

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How is the nucleus adapted to their jobs?

the nucleus takes control of the whole cell it has this thing around it like a shell its also black

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The nucleus controls the cell's functions.

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