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Q: How the number of the observed offspring in a genetic cross can be determined?
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Why are a large number of offspring needed to get accurate results in genetic experiments?

Large number can reduce the error. It gives a sharper result

How is genetic material transferred from paremt to offspring?

The process is fertilization. Male and female gametes which are haploid each having the number of chromosomes or DNA, fertilize to form a zygote, which later turns to be embryo and then offspring.

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Elements are determined by the number of?

They are determined by the number of protons in their nucleus.

How do you find recombination frequencies on a chromosome?

Recombination frequency = (Recombinant offspring) / (Total offspring) i.e. the recombination frequency is calculated by taking the number of recombinant offspring and dividing it by the total number of offspring.

Average number of offspring for a black bear?

the average offspring of a bear is 2. But the offspring depends on the species.

How do chromosomes and genes play a role in the genetic variation of offspring?

DNA contain many genes. and with 2 different parents with many different genes and traits of their own, the number of possible combination is enormous

Compare the number of chromosomes in an organism's body cells with the number in its reproductive cells?

The reproductive cells of an organism each contribute half of the required genetic material to create the offspring. This means that each reproductive cell has 1n, while the organism has 2n chromosomes.

How recombining of genetic information leads to offspring that exhibit genetic variability?

Recombining of genetic information (crossing over) during prophase I of meiosis results in every chromosome being a combination of the person's mother's and father's genetic information. Recombination of genetic information in an offspring takes place at the time of gametic union forming the zygote. The genetic variability depends on the extent of heterozygocity present in the population of that species. Role of crossing over is limited to the extent of frequency of genes present in an individual to produce variety of gametes.

How does the number of offspring born relate to the offspring's survival rate?

It's gestation period