

How the rings are formed?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Saturn's rings where formed by the comets and asteroids with the strong gravitation pull .

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Why doses Saturn have a ring around it?

Saturn's rings formed when meteorites hit Saturn's moons; small pieces spread out and formed Saturn's rings

Why do planets need rings?

They do not NEED rings. The Earth, for example, is a perfectly well formed planet and it manages to do that without rings!

Is Saturn made by rings?

No. Saturn has rings, but it is no way owes its existence to them. It is uncertain how the rings formed, but they may be what is left of a moon that was destroyed.

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Unfortunately, Mars do not have any rings around it because Mars is formed to close around the Sun for it to have rings which are icy.

Is it true that Saturn is famous for its rings?

Yes It is famous for its rings. they are formed from dust and tiny ice crystals.

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How did the rings form?

The Rings Are Formed By Ice And Rock. How They Where Formed Im Not Quite Sure, But Ice And Rock And The Reason They Are There. Dont Know If That Answers your Question, But I'd Like To Think It Did. :D xx

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How are Saturn's rings formed?

it is some kind of gravitational pull like that present on earth but not as powerful

Did earth used to have a ring?

Yes.Earth had rings around it but then broke and formed our moon.

Did Saturn have no rings before?

A long time ago - when it was first formed - Saturn would have had no rings. The rings formed because the gravity of Saturn attracts small particles of matter to it, and all these particles orbit it in the same plane. They are too small to accrete into a Moon and large enough to hold each other in their rings, without being pulled to the surface of the planet.

How were Saturn rings formed?

Nobody really knows. Some people are thinking that clumps of ice, rock, dust, snow etc, just came together to form rings around that planet.