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Q: How the size of the force changes depending on mass and distance?
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What is the force of attraction between objects depending on mass and distance?

Gravitational force is dependent on mass and distance.

Is gravity affected by mass amd distance or mass and force?

mass and distance

How does the force of graviti change with mass and distance?

as distance increases gravity's force decreases as mass increases gravity's force increases

When an unbalanced force acts on an object what changes depending on the size and direction of the force?

Newton's Second Law: force = mass x acceleration. Solving for acceleration: acceleration = force / mass. In other words, other things (i.e., the mass) being equal, the acceleration is proportional to the force.

What happens to the mass and weight when gravity changes?

If you say, double the distance, the force of gravity is one quarter (f = 1/22 = 1/4) If you say, treble the distance, the force of gravity is one ninth (f = 1/32 = 1/9) If you say, halve the distance, the force of gravity is four times (f = 1/0.52 = 1/0.25 = 4)

Does the mass of an object change as the distance of gravity changes?

No, the measured weight of an object WILL change but the mass of an object will never change regardless of the gravitational force on object.

The distance between two objects increase what happens to the force of gravity between them?

The force changes in the direction opposite to the change in distance. More distance ==> less force, and less distance ==> more force. That's why the gravitational force between the sun and you is small, even though the sun has a lot more mass than the earth has.

What happens to the force of gravity between two objects if the distance between them increased?

The force changes in the direction opposite to the change in distance. More distance ==> less force, and less distance ==> more force. That's why the gravitational force between the sun and you is small, even though the sun has a lot more mass than the earth has.

Compare the changes in the weight of a ball with the changes in the balls mass as the height of the ball above earths surface increases?

Mass and Weight The gravitational force Earth exerts on an object is the weight of the object. Because weight is a force, it is measured in newtons. Weight is not the same as mass. Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, and is measured in kilograms. Even if the mass of an object doesn't change, its weight will change if its distance from Earth changes

How can the mass and distance increase or desrease the gravitational force?

More mass --> more gravitational force Greater distance --> less gravitational force

How energy force motion are interrelated?

Force changes motion, according to Newton's Second Law (force = mass x acceleration). Applying a force over a distance requires work (= energy transfer); in the simplest case, this work is equal to force x distance.

Does distance change an objects built in gravity?

I guess the scientific concept that is closest to the "built-in gravity" would be the mass. In that case, the answer is "no". The force between two objects does change, depending on the distance.I guess the scientific concept that is closest to the "built-in gravity" would be the mass. In that case, the answer is "no". The force between two objects does change, depending on the distance.I guess the scientific concept that is closest to the "built-in gravity" would be the mass. In that case, the answer is "no". The force between two objects does change, depending on the distance.I guess the scientific concept that is closest to the "built-in gravity" would be the mass. In that case, the answer is "no". The force between two objects does change, depending on the distance.