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the reason they become rude is because of problems they have or because they're teenagers!

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Q: How the teenagers become a rude person?
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What are the differences in attitudes between male and female teenagers?

The female teenagers may become more compliant. Males may become more rude and bullying. But these changes change from person to person.

How do you get the teenagers away from the store in wimpy wonderland on poptropica?

You get a blotcher from fregely and you win bingo get a free CD and use that to drive away the stupid, nasty, rude teenagers!

How do you get the teenagers away from the store on poptropica wimpy wonderland?

You get a blotcher from fregely and you win bingo get a free CD and use that to drive away the stupid, nasty, rude teenagers!

What is the age where boys and girls become teenagers?

Boys and girls become teenagers when they reach their 13th birthday. (thirteen)

Is the person who answers this rude?

No, the people that answer these questions are helpful not rude.

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It's rude to drop in on someone while surfing because it can cause surfers to cross paths. The person that does that will be known in the surfing community for that can of behavior and become an outcast.

What makes a photo rude?

it all depends on the person's opinion.....if they think it is rude to them, then it is rude to them, if they dont, then they dont.....the answer varies

Why is some person giving rude answers on this site?

Because people are rude

What is a boor?

A person with rude, clumsy manners.1. A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement.2. A peasant.

Why do teenagers become short tempered?

Because teenagers grow hormones on their skin and this causes tempers

What is behavior traits of teenagers?

ignorant,thinks he/her is popular,drama queen,annoying,tired,rude(only some),intelligent

What are some Rude things in Russia?

It is rude to walk past a person and not say hello