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I believe Edison had more of an influence on mankind then any other person.Without Edison we would still be burning wood for energy. Our world would be a smoke stack without enough trees to replace oxygen.blah blah blah

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Q: How the world would be different today without Thomas Edison?
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Who was the most important man in history?

In science, I would say Thomas Edison and Sir Isaac Newton because most of our today's world runs on the basis of the principles (electricity and gravity) they discovered or found. Another man that was listed as the most important many of the millenia on the history channel is the man who invented the printing press - Johannes Gutenberg.

How would life be different without world war 2?

Well since America won the war and restored almost everything to the way it used be life would only be a only a little different. Things that would be different are 1. there would be no Soviet Union which means there would be no such thing as Communism and China wouldn't be Communists today and America might not be 13 trillion dollars of debt. 2. There wouldn't of been the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and you can figure it out from there.

Would the world be different today if the Harlem Renaissance had not occured?

It is possible but by no means certain. It cannot be said, exactly, what would be different has something not occured. Though people may speculate about such matters.

How did Alessandro change the world?

Alessandro Volta changed the world because he invented the battery, today, batteries are a major source of energy for toys, mobile phones and many gadgets. The battery has also inspired people to invent other energy storing devices, machines like the solar panel. (no wonder he's so famous in Italy!) Without Alessandro Volta, the world would be a very different place today! This was made by, Paul Felling I'd also like to include, even though some people think that they could do without batteries, while counting every device or machine that used or uses batteries. Imagine your day without clocks, phones, camera's or computers and that's just the starts. I would like everyone to have a deep thought about what the world would be like without inventions. (MAJOR DIFFERENCE!)

Look at the View of Toledo, a Mannerist painting done by El Greco in 1604. What is most noteworthy about Mannerism?

Mannerist work looked so different from everything else in its time period that it more closely resembles art from the 20th century.

Related questions

How old would thomas Edison be today?

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847. If he were alive today, he would be 174 years old.

Who invent light bulb?

Thomas Edison's great brain invented the devise that we use today which is the light bulb.

Please post your answer ASAP- I have a term paper due the 3rd on Thomas Edison. Are Thomas Edison's inventions still used today?

yes l. lightbulb was his invention!!!!!

What did Thomas Edison make which you use till today?

The electric light bulb.

Do you believe Thomas Edison's inventions are still as important today as they were in his time?


If Thomas Edison was still Alive how old is he?

Today would be his 164th birthday

Did Thomas Edison's discovery change the way people live today?


How did the work of Thomas Edison impact on the lives of people today?

He invented the light bulb which transformed everything we do today.

How do you use thomas Edison creation the light bulb today?

in the dark it make light

What is the importance of Thomas Edison's work for us today?

Turn your lights off and leave them off; now you can assess the significance of Edison's work.

How famous was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was a well-known American inventor. As the inventor of the light bulb, the phonograph and the motion picture camera, his inventions are used in households worldwide, even today.

If Thomas Edison were still alive how old would he be now?

As of 2011 Edison who was born in 1847 would be 164 years old.