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Q: How to become popular in Social media like Instagram and fb?
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Which social media is popular in the USA?

The most popular social media platforms in the U.S. in 2022 are YouTube, Facebook , Instagram , Pinterest

Is Instagram the most popular social media?

Yes, After the Facebook, Instagram is most used social media platform by people. You can also generate more revenue through your social Instagram profile. Check with me if you want.

What is Instagram and Facebook?

Instagram is the popular social media for only sharing images...Facebook is the another popular social media website but you can share post,images,videos ,contents in it....These are the common difference between them. This instagram acquired by facebook on april 2012...check out the more details from here:

How did nini smalls become famous?

Nini Smalls has become famous because of her social media activity. She has many followers on Facebook, Instagram, and many who enjoy her YouTube videos.

What is the best social media site today?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are best one social media site today.

How many social networking websites exist today?

Social media refers to any network that allows you to socialize. Facebook is the most popular and largest social media/network on the internet because it provides a diverse range of social networking options, including chat rooms. Twitter and Instagram are two of the most popular social media platforms.

How can I start a clothing advertising line in social media?

create a page on social media sites such as Instagram, facebook, etc

Who started Instagram?

Instagram has become very popular over the past year. It is a photo sharing service that allows people to take pictures and share them on media social sites and you can apply digital filters to them. It was invented by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.

When was social media created?

Social media surgery was created in 2008.

New Social Media Applications for creators and influencers?

Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube.

What common social media sites do people post rabbit photos in?

While posting rabbit photos isn't as popular as posting photos of cats or dogs, social media sites that do include rabbit photos posted by their users are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

In what country is Pipi a popular social media website?

There is no record of any social media website by the name Pipi. For information on popular social media sites one can look at the Social Media Today website. A complete list of all social media websites is available on Wikipedia.