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Bottom line is that objective based game modes will give you more XP, hands down, though your overall K/D might suffer if you're playing the objective. Some wimps who can't play a straight-up TDM match and win will camp objective plays, but if you know how to beat them it's not that much of an issue. It's personal preference; some people prefer to inflate their K/D stats because it gives them an artificial woody like enhancement pills, but personally I prefer winning and kicking a$$. If my K/D suffers a bit, so be it.

Double XP weekends are run by Treyarch usually at the end of every month, so keep an eye out for them, as you can usually move up at least one or two Prestige's if you're good enough and can handle playing for long hours.

Challenges - check all the Challenges in your Barracks, as they'll give the goals you need to set to get good XP rewards.

Scorestreaks - setting up your scorestreaks properly will get you maximum return for your efforts, particularly in objective based modes. Treyarch has changed the game specifically to try and get players away from camping and just TDM, which is why objectives have much higher point values.

Classes - getting the right class setup takes time, and there are those who would work on getting camo's and other crap with weapon challenges. A lot of my clan members did that, and as a result I ranked up faster than them because I could care less. Go with what setup works for you, and kick a$$.

If you're not already signed up on Elite, do so and then watch some of the strategy videos on leveling up on EliteTV. They've got some pretty good tips for noobs.

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12y ago

You can not prestige in Combat Training, sorry.

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11y ago

Once you reach the level cap (50), select prestige mode (under barracks I think) and you will start out as level one prestige number ____ (whatever prestige you were previously +1)

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Once you reach the prestige Level it will ask you

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you need to reach the entire level fiftyfive then you go into your barracks and and prestige

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Most likely yes. yes black ops 2 does have zombies exactly like the original black ops did. but if you wanted nuketown zombies with black ops 2, you had to pre-order black ops 2 as a hardened or prestige pakage.

Can you prestige on level 25 or it has to be in level 55 on COD black ops 2?

you have to be on level 55 to prestige in bo2 and since when do we prestige up in level 25???

What does prestige mean in black ops?

prestige is another type of way to level up in black ops. once you get level 50 in blacks ops you can start your prestige. when you start your prestige you start back at level 1 with no guns and no perks. but you get the honor to be called prestige 1. once you get to level 50 again you can start again back at level 1 with prestige 2. and you can keep going until prestige 15. once prestige 15 there is nothing more you can do.

Can you get the prestige edition black ops 2 in datablitz?

It is not available there for preorder on September 13 2012

Do you get more xp on the prestige servers in black ops?

Uhhhmm, no, you can on Modern Warfare 2 though.

Does Hardened version of black ops 2 have the Die Rise Map?

No it was the Black Ops Hardened or Prestige edition that had the 4 World at War Zombie Maps or they were also in the Rezurrection DLC for the first game

How many times can you prestige in Call of Duty Black Ops?

Well there are a total of ten prestige's in COD. The final prestige and lvl 70 is the prestige and lvl cap. Many consider this to be the mark of a pro. Keep in mind that many players do not care for the prestige system and can kill you just as effectively or even better in some cases from a 1st prestige. A good way to look past the titles and prestige lvl is to look at the k/d ratio. That means kill/to death ratio. If their kills are greatly higher than their deaths I would be wary.