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If you want to get over a relationship that has lasted for eight years with a pathological liar simply stop seeing him and ignore him. With time you will be good.

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Q: How to get over a 8 year relationship with a Pisces man who is a pathological liar?
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What do you do if your husband is pathological liar and you really love with him and don't want to leave him?

A better question is why would you want to stay with a pathological liar - a person who flagrantly shows you no respect. Obviously there is nothing to do in your case since you've already made the decision to stay with him. If you had any respect for yourself, you'd grow a backbone and tell him your marriage is over unless he gets psychological help.

Can a pathological liar be cured?

Path. lying could be linked to another disorder, go over to the Naricissism category in the health section and get some other info on another possible disorder.

Does a pathological liar try to blame others on a regular basis for their mistakes?

Truthfully, the answer to your question would depend. I hope this answer will help answer your question. At a certain point in a pathological liar's life, they will lie for no particular reason. They don't really try to lie, but rather, they need to try hard so that they DONT lie. Being a pathological liar is a "bad habit" that is created due to something in their childhood. When pathological liars are caught lieing, or even vaguely accused, they will often react in a remarkable way. They will often react in rage, saying this such as "I cant believe you would accuse me like that". However, some pathological liars react in shock such as ".... why would you say that?" When a pathological liar is caught lieing however, often they will in fact blame you, saying things like: "I can't believe your making me feel so bad over such a small thing" or "Why do you always have to criticize me". They will only blame you if you question something that they've said. So, in conclusion, if by mistakes you mean "Flaws in their lies" then usually yes. (Revised answer) For pathological liars, they will not try to blame others on a regular basis. Rather, that is one of the reactions a pathological liar will have when caught lieing. They will usually respond in shock, realizing that they were caught, or with anger by saying things like "Why do you have to make such a big deal out of it?". I suppose the second typical response could be considered as blaming.

Are you born a pathological liar or do you become one?

You cannot be born with traits. You learn traits from influences in your environment that are repeated many times over, causing you to reason with yourself that its okay because others do it.

How to get over and leave a pathological liar girlfriend just came out of a 16year marriage?

The fact that you ask the question seems to indicate that you have some doubts. When you make up your mind, just walk away. Don't listen to the promises. A pathological liar will lie when it would be easier to tell the truth. It's up to you to do what has to be done, for your own good. In the meantime, don't enter into any legal arrangements of any kind, loan any money, or otherwise become more entangled.

Can a Taurus break up a Pisces Leo relationship a Taurus and Leo girl and Pisces boy all 13 years old?

Speaking from an astrological standpoint, Taurus and Pisces are more compatible than a Leo and Pisces. Of course, one must take into account that these are generalizations which do not take one's entire birth chart into consideration - and frankly, sometimes astrology can be wrong.. I am an Aquarius who has been with a Scorpio for over seven years, and we have a strong and stable relationship, were most astrology sites and such say that we'd never make it. It's also a good idea to consider the fact that breaking up a relationship is a fairly petty thing to do.. so..

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What does a Pisces look like?

Answer Pisces is a fish. ____________________________________________________ Pisces females tend to have vouloptous lips, hourglass body, watery eyes, dark and wavy hair. Pisces males tend to be or skinny and defind or a little over weight, watery eyes, dark and wavy hair.

What is the name of a person who acts as they love someone then bewillders them over and over?

A liar.

What are the similarities between computer viruses and pathological viruses?

Many things! For one thing, a pathological virus can take over the body, such as computer viruses can. There are also multiple versions of viruses and pathological viruses. That and they can be blocked out. While computers can use antivirus programs, we have immune systems. ~SwaggaCat

What do you do when you know your husband cheated on you and he is a pathological liar?

From your statement this sounds as if he's been lying for a long while. Pathological liars obviously have a problem and you aren't going to change them anytime soon. Because you are married you do owe your marriage to him a chance, so sit down with him and tell him he has a problem and unless he is willing to seek counseling or go to a marriage counselor it's over! You don't want to waste your life on someone that is constantly lying to you because it can not only get you into problems as far him possibly seeing other women, but also financial trouble.

What should you do if you've been married to a pathological liar for 3 years and you recently answered a call from your husband's friend asking if you were over your operation but you never had one?

Pathological liars are like run away locomotives. They just can't stop! It's an illness and usually learned from childhood. Some children may have extremely strict parents, are made to feel stupid, unproductive, etc., and so, when asked if they did something they shouldn't have done will lie. The more under-lying factor about pathological liars is they have no self esteem and feel they need to dramatize their situation to look more important in the eyes of their peers. Pathological liars need therapy! I have talked to a couple of pathological liars and they openly admit they know they are doing it, feel really bad, but can't seem to stop. Unfortunately, men are usually very bad at seeking help for themselves, while if you bring this problem up to a woman who is a pathological liar they almost always will go and seek help through therapy to get to the bottom of why they do this. I would suggest that you sit and talk to your husband. Tell him about his friend phoning about that operation, and tell him it's "not normal" to act in this way. Ask him (mainly out of curiosity) why he would lie to his friend like that. Tell him if he doesn't go to a good therapist ( you go with him) and seek help you are leaving! Mean it! Good luck Marcy