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My friends and I used to roll cross joints, and I"m pretty sure we thought of doing it before pineapple express even came out. (Although i admit that movie was responsible for our perfection of the technique)

We would just roll a joint with two grams or so in it so that it had a wide enough diameter to be impaled by a very thin joint (like 0.3-0.5 g's) and poke a hole in the larger joint, and gently slide the smaller joint through it. but for it to burn from all three ends you need to poke to holes in the exact center of the smaller joint. and remember, the smaller joint used to make the horizontal part of the cross needs to be thinner, shorter, and cannot be a cone, it must be cylindrical. we tried the same with blunts once we perfected the joints and it worked.

Hope that made sense, also hope I'm not answering a question from like three years ago but as you could have guess i am writing this high so I'm not sure.....

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Search it on YouTube they

actually have videos on it

musch easier to follow than


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Q: How to make a blunt?
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How do you make a blunt burn slower?

By glazing it with honey after you roll it. It also helps a lot if you make your blunt a fat one, and roll it tighter.

Can you make a blunt last longer by putting syrup on it?

Yes. It makes the blunt burn much slower

How do you make a blunt out of computer symbols?

Here you go:) (_̅_̅/_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅/_̅_̅_̅()

How many grams a blunt?

I use .9 to 1.0 in a blunt its 28.34 grams in a zip so if yhu tryin to make money gotta do the math to make profit

Is there any proof that smoking promethazine with codien on a blunt of marijuana will get you any higher than just smoking a blunt of marijuana?

It will make you fee low

Can you make lean out of cetirizine syrup?

pill a blunt then po me up!

How do you make a blunt out of black and mild filter tip cigars?

The same way you make a blunt out of any other kind of cigar...really, dude, they sell just the wrappers now for ease of blunt making; get those instead of breaking down cigars and you won't have to discard the filler tobacco.

How do you Make your troat stop hurting when youre smoke the biggest blunt ever?

Wait it out. Next time, smoke a honey blunt. Delicious and hurts less.

What is a sentence with the word blunt?

I smoked a blunt full of ganga.The bullet had a blunt nose.She answered bluntly "I'm just not interested in you".The man died of Blunt Force Truma.The knife was blunt.

Can you give me two sentence for blunt?

A candid answer that is not carefully worded can be to blunt for some people. In this sentence it is used as an adjective. we will blunt the edges of the metal shelf to avoid being cut later. In this sentence it is a verb and means to make the edges dull.

How to pick up chicks?

To make it blunt just show her your male dominance.

What percentage does a blunt get you high from weed?

This question doesn't make sense. Every strain is different, and I can't tell how much you put in the blunt. All I can tell you is a list of the lowest quality to the highest. Joint, blunt, bowl, bubbler, bong, vaporizer.