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Q: How to set up seeding utorrent?
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What should seeding goals be on utorrent settings?

150%-200% Be kind to the swarm.

What means seeding in utorrent?

If you have a download 100% completed you become a seed. utorrent will keep uploading (seeding) to other users so they can also complete their download. Keep in mind: If nobody would seed you could never complete a download. So please leave utorrent open seeding as long as you can to help others.

How would you know that utorrent is finished downloading the movie and it is ready for viewing. Should you wait for the seeding to be finished too. How would you know that is done?

under status it will say seeding when its done downloading. also you can watch the movies before its done seeding. seeding is not necessary but is recommend so that it will be faster for the next person to download.

Why is your utorrent downloadin at 2 kbs?

Most likely there isn't anybody seeding that particular torrent. That, or your internet connection is terrible. Or both.

Why are there only 12 of 45 seeds connected in utorrent?

Its the thingy ur downloading, its cause alot of people dont like seeding,

What port does utorrent use?

You set the port that uTorrent uses at Options>Preferences>Connection

How speed up utorrent 3.3.2?

You can speed up uTorrent 3.2.2 by checking the tab at the bottom and ensuring that the download limit is set on unlimited. You can also make sure to download torrents with lots of seeds.

What does queued on Utorrent?

"Queued" means the torrent job is waiting for another torrent job to finish downloading before starting. "Queued seed" means the torrent job is waiting for another torrent job to finish seeding before starting. Source: uTorrent help file - Press F1 while uTorrent is open. Torrents are queued in accordance with the settings in uTorrent at Options>Preferences>Queueing

How do you save PC game from utorrent?

uTorrent is a BitTorrent client (and for the sake of this question I'm going to assume the usage of it is legal), it's function is to take .torrent files and use them to fetch files of whatever it is you are torrenting from the seeding machines. It is not, in itself, a game client. You cannot 'save PC games' from it.

How do you change the download location for utorrent downloads?

In uTorrent at Options>Preferences>Directories. If you want to change the download location for an active torrent, stop the torrent, right-click the torrent in uTorrent and select Advanced>Set Download Location.

What does seed in uTorrent mean?

If you have a download 100% completed you become a seed. utorrent will keep uploading (seeding) to other users so they can also complete their download. Keep in mind: If nobody would seed you could never complete a download. So please leave utorrent open seeding as long as you can to help others.

How do you fix utorrent?

Reinstall Utorrent