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Daily brushing

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Q: How to stop dog hair from being tracked in to the house?
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Does unblocking or jailbreaking an iPhone 4 stop it from being tracked and Can the phone companies track an iPhone 4?

The iPhone will always have the capability of being tracked unless you take off the gps service which will not stop it from being track but make it less accurate

How to stop hair for being ichey for a long time?

One can stop the hair from being itchy by conditioning it regularly.

How do you stop your hair from breakage?

you can stop hair breakage by being gentle with your hair as far as combing and styling.also keeping your hair moisturized

How can your hair stop being curly and messed up?

good answer

How do you stop a hair loss which started due to permanent straightening?

Stop being so vain and be happy with what God gave you. In otherwords, stop straightening your hair idiot.

Can putting your hair up stop the growth?

It won't stop the growth, however, it can damage the area that is being pulled into the ponytail.

How can you stop your hair being greasy?

use a shampoo for greasy hair, apply conditioner to the ends only n finish with a cool rinse

Is it good to avoid cleaning of house with broom on veerwar?

stop being lazy

Why does your hair never stop growing?

Why does your hair never stop growing?

Can straighting your hair really can make it stop growing?

It won't necessarily make your hair stop growing. But, it can cause split ends which lead to breakage and then your hair never gets longer. So, technically speaking your hair continues to grow but from damage, being brittle, and probably lack of haircuts your hair could actually become shorter or stay the same length.

What makes hair stop growing?

Malnutrition is often what makes hair stop growing. Hair growth also decreases as a person ages and some hereditary disorders will cause hair to stop growing.

You have strated lose your hair on your forehead towards your right side eye how to stop this hair fall?

strated lose your hair on my forehead ,how to stop this hair fall?