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Q: How to handle mental retarded person?
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Related questions

What is the definition of ''retarded''?

"Retard" is a shortened form of "retarded," and is a very unkind and bullying word for a person with a mental or physical disability.

Can cerebral palsy patient be mental retarded?

Yes, it is very possible that a person with cerebral palsy can also be mentally retarded. Only a doctor can make the diagnosis.

Is mental retardation the same as mental disorders?

No. They can cover different types of conditions. A retarded person often has learning difficulties, whereas mental disorders are more psychological and don't always impair the intelligence of a person.

Did mental retarded people have options in the 1930's?


What are the reasons of retardation?

Retardation means slowing. So a person can have retarded growth, retarded mental function, retarded sexual maturity. All of these can be caused by improper nutrition, genetic disease, somatic errors, injury. Ultimately, this question is really too general to be answered effectively.

Can a mental retarded person have a long term relationship with someone normal?

Yes it is possible, as long as the retardation is not too severe, and recognisance is not an issue.


Sometimes mental retardation is a genetic defect. Sometimes it is the result of injury.

How does mild mental retardation compare to profound mental retardation?

Mildly retarded people can live alone if necessary and often get married. Profoundly retarded people need caring in their whole life.

What is a 17 years old borderline retarded person's mental age?

It is not appropriate to use the term "retarded" in this context, as it is considered offensive. Instead, a person's cognitive abilities are typically assessed using standardized tests to determine their mental age. This individual's mental age would depend on their specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as any underlying conditions they may have. It is best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for an accurate assessment.

If you talk funny does that mean you are retarded?

No your accent has nothing to do with your mental state

Is there surgery for mentally retarded?

Surgery would not help mental retardation.

What is the meaning of retarded?

Retardation is holding something back. In a way, applying the brakes in a car is retardation.