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Q: How to train a police dog to smell?
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How does a police dog find bombs?

by the smell of the explosive

What does a police horse do that police dog can't?

a police horse can be ridden and carry heavy amounts whereas a dog cannot. a dog also has a keener sense of smell :)

How do your train a police dog?

The dogs have to go trow special training at the police department

Can a great dane be a police dog?

You can train it..But de over heavy size makes it not suitable for police men purpose.....

What can a police dog do that a police officer can't?

Smell where a suspect is hiding, jump over a 6 foot fence, and bite your leg if you are trying to run.

How far can police dogs smell drugs?

They can only smell what they are trained to smell bomb dogs only smell for explosives. Drug dogs only smell for what drugs they where trained to smell and a missing persons dogs is trained to pick up different humans by command of the officer. U can train your dog to smell out what ever u want take a tennis ball or sock put the item or smell u want him to learn after a few times of fetch or training him to find it when u hide it with treats after every time they actually find it then u will have a sniffing dog real soon

What is the most common way to train an Alsatian?

There are loads of ways: Dog training school Police traing

How do you train a one year old dog that has been abused To being a police dog?

Easy get the training stuff from the store and then get the treats so you can treat your dog when it is good

What happens if a police dog dies?

Killing or harming a police dog is a crime. A police dog is considered a police officer, despite not being human. Therefore by harming a police dog you are effectively harming a police officer in the eyes of the law. Police dogs are also very expensive to train and maintain. So not only would you be harming a police asset but you would also be angering the national treasury and taxpayers for wasting their money. Kicking or punching a police dog is a crime, unless the dog attacked for no reason, then it is self defence and acceptable. Otherwise you'll be jailed for harming the police dog. Killing a police dog, unless in self defence (except where the dog was set upon you by police) will also result in jail.

How many people does it take to train a police dog?

There is no standard answer to this question. It all depends on the size training staff of the agency and how many dog-handlers they have.

How do Police dogs know they will get a treat if they find drugs or bombs?

Any animal will very quickly learn that they will get food if they do a certain thing.Dogs have really good smell detectors, and are eager to help people, so it is as easy to train a dog to find drugs or to find bombs with food treats or short playtimes as it is to train them to sit when told to.

Where can you learn how to train a pup to be a police dog for free?

The short answer is: you can't. Police dogs are very highly trained by experts. Police departments don't buy police dogs from private parties, only from special training schools.a police station