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Q: How to you make improvised measuring pipette?
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Related questions

Is measuring pipette better than transfer pipette?


Why is measuring pipette better than transfer pipette?

A measuring pipette is used to measure specific amounts of liquid. There are many different kinds but they help you accurately measure and transfer small amounts. A transfer pipette is essentially an eye-dropper, they typically do not have measurements on them.

How do you make an improvised separatory funnel?

Assuming you are in a lab with access to glassware, any container can be used as a sep funnel, really. When separating the layers, you must carefully decant the top layer (very difficult) or use a pipette to pipette out the bottom layer (very time consuming but possible).

What are the uses of measuring pipette?

it is used to measure specific ammounts of solution

What is a device for actually measuring very small amounts of liquid?


Why should you not blow out the small amount of solution that remains in pipette when measuring liquids?

The calibration of a pipette is made taking into account this small volume.

Why should you not blow out the small amount of solution that remains in a pipette when measuring liquid?

The calibration of a pipette is made taking into account this small volume.

Why should a bulb be used on a pipette rather then your mouth when you are measuring a liquid?

I donno

Why is a volumetric pipette used for measuring out the hydroxylamine?

To get a very accurate volume of hydroxylamine.

What are the uses and functions of viscosity pipette?

maybe for measuring the viscosity of e liquid.....its a pipette so it transfers liquid to another container....just confirm

What instrument is used is measure volume?

Measuring Pipette is for small amount of volume only.Graduated Cylindrers is for measuring large amount of volume.

When measuring a small quantity of liquid which instrument would permit the actual reading?

Pipette ?