

How too help my chikungunya foot pain?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How too help my chikungunya foot pain?
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There are a lot of possible reasons why someone may experience foot pain and other foot problems. The following are some causes of foot problems; Diabetic foot pain, a foot problem due to too tight shoes and a foot problem cause by bone or tissue injuries.

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Taking a hot foot bath is great for arch pain relief. A simple massage using oil can also be very effective in arch pain relief. There is also arch supports available in stores to buy which can help too.

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Back pain can range from a dull, constant pain to a sudden, sharp pain that makes it hard to move. It can start quickly if you fall or lift something too heavy, or it can get worse slowly. If you get heavy pain means you can put some ice cubes or ice pack on that place, so that some what you can get pain relief.

What sort of injury ends up in top of foot pain?

Pain on the top of the foot can be caused by damage to tendons while walking or running. Sometimes this type of pain can also be caused by lacing your shoes to tightly or from wearing shoes that are too small for your feet.

What are some dietary tips to help ease arthritis pain?

Eating more fruits and vegetables will help ease the pain. Getting more vitamin c will also help the pain. Taking arthritis supplements will help too.

What are some possible cause for foot pains?

Foot pain is caused by many different problems. Repeated injury, disease, or a combo are the most common causes of foot pain. Trauma is from thngs outside of the body either directly hitting the body or forced into a position where a forces result in damage to the foot. Poor alignment may lead to foot pain. Shoes that are too tight or high heels can cause pain at the balls of the feet and the bones in that area.

What are the most common symptoms for sciatica?

Pain. Lots of pain. Deep, severe pain is the main symptom of sciatica. When you cough or sneeze it becomes worse. You may be unable to move your foot too.

Is foot pain common and what are the major causes?

Apparently foot pain is fairly common. The major causes are trauma which can be attributed to a wide range of causes: wearing too tight shoes or injury due to playing sports, or disease, such as diabetes.

What could cause pain in the calf of your leg There is no pain radiating from the hip However the pain does radiate down to the foot?

Pain in your calf can be as simple as a 'charlie horse' and as bad as a blood clot. If you also have lower back pain too, then you may have sciatic pain which originates in your lower back and can radiate down to your leg and foot. In any event, since the pain is continuing, you should consult your doctor for the correct diagnosis.

Does the lubricant help with the pain?

Yes, it does help with the pain, well if the pain is because its too dry. At least try it because lube always helps me. If that's not tue problem then you have other issues. Hope that helps.