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Q: How variations occur in a population?
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Related questions

Why variations are important in human life?

Variations are the basis of evolution, but variations within a population create diversity, which is useful to slow disease and allow natural selection to occur.

What characteristics must population first have for nautral selection to occur?

Individuals are selected, but in the population of organisms there are many variations, some better at survival and reproduction than others, and against the immediate environment, what natural selection really is, these beneficial variations will be selected.

Natural selection cannot occur without what?

Variations within a population. Variations mean traits that only certain individuals have that give the individual a greater or lesser chance of reproducing.

How do variation occur in asexually reproducing organisms?

mutation of the DNA is the only way asexually reproducing organisms can obtain variations in their population

What happens during which mountains and variations occur?

Mountains and variations occur due to the land moving and changing gradually over time. Mountains and variations can effect the way that land sits and moves.

What type of selection can create 2 new species from one population?

There are several types of selections that can do this. It includes allopatric speciation where the population is separated by physical barrios, sympatric speciation where variations occur in the population, and allopolyploid when two species merge.

How do variations occur?

During evolution, chromosomal cariation in structure cannot occur due to

Large seasonal weather variations occur in what zone?


Differences that occur between members of a species?

It is called variations

What will make a population have more genetic variations?


The variations needed for the origin of structural and physiological adaptations to occur are provided by what?


What is an important factor of natural selection?

Variations within a population