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Q: How warm is it inside of a fox hole?
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Is peee warm or cold?

It is Warm because it has just can out of your bladder which is inside your body and the inside of your body is warm so yeah it is warm

If get inside the black hole can't get out?

Nothing can escape from a black hole.

Can you walk inside a black hole?

No you really cant walk inside a black hole, you only float then you die shortly

Is there a person inside a black hole?


How many astronauts went inside the black hole?

For all scientific reasons, no astronaut had went inside a black hole. It would take many earth years to visit the black hole, so reaching a black hole is impossible.

Related questions

Is a fox a reptile?

A fox is a warm-blooded mammal.

What is the name of the fox?

A fox lives in a den, which is called a fox-hole.

Is the fox warm blooded or cold blooded?

An Arctic fox is a mammal and is warm-blooded.

Is a fox warmblooded?

A fox is a mammal and is warm-blooded.

What two words are used for a fox's home?

fox hole

Is the Arctic fox warm blooded or cold blooded?

A fox is a mammal, so it is warm-blooded. Any cold-blooded animal in the Arctic would be unable to move.

What is the name of fox house?

A fox lives in a den, which is called a fox-hole.

Is a fennec fox a warm -blooded or cold-blooded?

A fennec fox is warm blooded as are all mammals.

Nests are rabbit holes that are...?

A wild doe(female rabbit) will make her nest inside a hole underground. Where her kits are warm and safe.

How do you use fox in a sentence?

The fox dug a deep hole for her puppies.

Why fox live in hole?

To hide.

How does a fox keep warm in the winter?

its fur keeps it warm