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Q: How was Champlain different fron cartier?
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How is Jacques cartier different from Samuel de Champlain?

Jacques Cartier and Samuel De Champlain have different names Champlain encountered with 2 Indian chiefs Cartier only encountered with 1

What are the names of some French Explorers?

two explorers are Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain

Cartier and Champlain sailed along what river?


Sent cartier and Champlain to north America?

Samuel de Champlain and Jacques Cartier were sent by Francis I of France. They were commissioned to find the fabled Western Passage to the Orient.

Why is Samuel de Champlain important?

He was important because he founded Quebec and explored the St. Lawrence River.Lake Cartier was named after Jacque Cartier. That was Jacque Cartier not Samuel de no no he was right it was Samuel Champlain!!!!!but why was that important?

Three principal French explorers were?

Champlain, Cartier and Joliet

Did Samuel de Champlain discover Acadia?

No...... Jaque Cartier did

What other important discoveries did Jacques Cartier have?

lake champlain

Who sent Champlain and cartier to north America?

It was queen Elizabeth.

Whose expedition took place after Cartier's?

Samuel de Champlain's expedition took place after Cartier's. Champlain explored and settled New France, establishing Quebec City in 1608.

Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain are most associated with the exploration and setting of?

Jacques Cartier explored and landed at Quebec City in 1535. Champlain established a settlement at Quebec City in 1608.

Who sent Jacques Cartier and Champlain to North America?

Dont worry about it.