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Q: How was Elizabethan Crime and Punishment Was is fair or corrupted?
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Which clause deals with the concept of the punishment fitting the crime?

The clause that deals with the concept of the punishment fitting the crime is the principle of proportionality. This principle holds that the severity of punishment should be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense committed, ensuring a fair and just outcome in the criminal justice system.

The death penalty may not be considered cruel and unusual punishment as long as?

it is used as fair compensation for a large number of proven murders or equal crime.

Why was the 8 amendment important?

The 8th Amendment prevented the government from setting excessive bails and fines and from the use of cruel and unusual punishments. A punishment is considered cruel and unusual if it is not patently necessary, it is rejected throughout society, or it is degrading to human dignity. This is also known as torture.

The death penalty may not be considered cruel and unusual punishment so long as?

it is used as fair compensation for a proven collection of murders or equal crime.

Would another punishment be fair for romeo killing Tybalt?

Sure. There are other possibilities for a fair punishment.

Was Ned Kelly's punishment fair?

Ned Kelly was a murderer, responsible for the deaths of several people. Whether or not one believes his punishment was fair depends on whether one believes a man should hang for the crime of murder.

What does amendment 8 mean in the American constitution?

it means that you have the right to a fair punishment for the crime and a fair bail and fine. basically, if you misbehave in class a teacher can't cut off your hand. maybe a detention, which is relevant, but nothing irrelevant. also you have the right to a fair fine and bail.

What does amendment 8 mean in American constitution mean?

it means that you have the right to a fair punishment for the crime and a fair bail and fine. basically, if you misbehave in class a teacher can't cut off your hand. maybe a detention, which is relevant, but nothing irrelevant. also you have the right to a fair fine and bail.

Is the criminal trial in the US fair?

They call it fair but the legal system has been corrupted to the point were you can get probation for hesitating to plea.

What is criminal justus?

Criminal Justice is the system in every country or jurisdiction of ensuring that a person who commits a crime is brought before the court and given the proper punishment for his offense. It also ensures that a person has a fair and impartial trial if he is accused of committing a crime.

What is duly convicted?

Duly convicted means that the conviction followed due process of law, which means that the trial preceding the conviction was fundamentally fair. The conviction includes the sentence which shall not exceed the maximum punishment annexed to the crime of conviction. Under the Thirteenth Amendment, a convict may be enslaved for a period of time not to exceed the maximum number of years punishment annexed to the crime of conviction. Any punishment that exceeds the maximum years of punishment annexed to the crime of conviction is undue and fundamentally unfair, which puts it in violation of the Fifth Amendment's prohibition of multiple punishments for the same crime and makes it a clear crime against the victim convicts humanity.

Every person accused of a crime has the right to a?

(in the US) Be faced by, and question, their accuser and the witnesses against them - to legal representtion - to be tried by a fair and impartial jury of their peers - not to expect any 'cruel and unusual' punishment. .