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It was split between Catholics and Protestants.

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Q: How was Europe divided after the end of the catholic reformation?
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Why reformation end?

The Protestant Reformation came to an end after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which recognized the sovereign authority of states and their right to determine their own religion. This led to a gradual decline in religious wars and increased religious tolerance in Europe, marking the end of the era of intense religious conflict. Additionally, the Catholic Church implemented reforms through the Council of Trent to address some of the criticisms raised by the reformers, resulting in a stabilizing of religious divisions.

Why was europe divided amongst the Soviets and the allied powers?

At the end of WW2.

What is the term used to describe the period of changes that occurred within the Roman Catholic Church during the end of the Middle Ages?

Reformation it was accociated with pagen rituals

Did the Counter Reformation fail?

The Counter Reformation, led by the Catholic Church in response to the Protestant Reformation, was largely successful in achieving its goals of stemming the spread of Protestantism and revitalizing the Catholic Church. It led to reforms within the Church, establishment of new religious orders, and the Council of Trent, which clarified Catholic doctrine and practices. Though it faced challenges and did not eliminate Protestantism, the Counter Reformation had a lasting impact on the Catholic Church.

Was the counter reformation a success?

The Counter-Reformation, i.e. in response purely to the Protestant Reformation, was not a great success, as few lands were won back to the Catholic Church during the period 1555-1648, even during the Thirty-Years war when there were good opportunities. The Catholic Reformation, or Catholic Revival, on the other hand was. By the end of the period there was a stronger papacy, and a reduction in the secularisation of the clergy. Nepotism had all but been abolished, pluralism was, and the Jesuits and some of the older orders had won new converts in the New Worlds. The clergy were being better educated in how to lead the laity, and the laity in what their faith was about, as a result of seminaries and a catechism programme respectively.

When did the reformation began and end?


What was Europe divided into at the end of World War 2?

well Europe had benefited from the war and changed their whole perspective about the other countries.

Was the inquisition started to end English reformation?

yes it was

How long did the protestant reformation last?

The protestant reformation seems to be still going on and has not come to an end up to date. It was meant to end in 1750 but this did not happen as reforms keep happening.

How did reformation end?

The Reformation ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia, which settled numerous conflicts between different religious groups in Europe. This treaty established the principle of cuius regio, eius religio (whose realm, his religion), allowing rulers to choose the religion of their territories. This marked the end of large-scale religious wars in Europe sparked by the Reformation.

When did the reformation start and end?

it ended in the year of I don't

What year did the counter reformation occur?

1560 ( start) -1648 (end)