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ample iron and coal resources.

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Q: How was Germany able to grow as an industrial power under Bismarck?
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What made the Germans stronger in 1871?

Germany was able to increase its power after unifying in 1871 because it was less preoccupied by continental power politics & could devote more attention to economic & political revolutions to become the world's leading industrial power of the time.

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What contributed to Germany's growth as an industrial power under Bismark?

Ample amounts of coal and iron

The unification of Germany under otto von Bismarck demonstrates the?

impact of nationalism

What form of government was Germany after the unification of Germany?

After the unification under Bismarck 871, the German Empire was a constitutional monarchy.

How long did otto von Bismarck rule for in English and German?

He never did. Bismarck was Prussia's, and then Germany's, Chancellor under Kaiser Wilhelm I. Sorry, my Germans not that good.

Who was most responsible for the unification of Germany Napoleon?

Otto Bismarck (later von Bismarck), the first-ever German chancellor, he became chancellor of a unified Germany in 1871. He was already chancellor of the most powerful state in the German Confederation (1815-1866).

Who was responsible for the unification of Germany?

Otto Von Bismarck unified the German states under the Prussian king.WilliamBismarck

What man led the movement to unify Germany?

Otto von Bismarck, as the Prussian Chancellor under Wilhelm I, was almost inadvertently responsible for the unification of Germany.

Who was the man of blood and iron?

The man of blood and iron refers to Otto von Bismarck, a prominent Prussian statesman who unified Germany under the leadership of the Kingdom of Prussia. Known for his political acumen and ruthless tactics, Bismarck played a crucial role in shaping modern Germany.

What did Bismarck do to control the German empire?

The German empire was under the direction of Bismarck. He became known as the Iron Chancellor. Under his rule Germany pursued conservative and nationalistic policies. His impact and how he controlled Germany can be summarized with the following information. Note that this is a summary and not all aspects of Bismarck's rule are listed. Having said that, here are some important elements of Germany under Bismarck: 1. Centralization of power. To promote uniformity within Germany the national government took over the German states' control of railroads, telegraph lines, postal services, banking and currency. National laws replaced the various laws that each state once had; 2. Militarism. The empire established the Prussian system of conscription. Military values were emphasized by government officials. Nationalist writers contributed to this concept. Bismarck sought military alliances; 3. Bismarck supported an industrialized economy. Tariffs were enacted to keep out foreign products. The result at that time was prosperity. Colonialism was used to secure raw materials; and 4. Bismarck worked to eliminate the growth of any groups interested in socialism.