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Q: How was Gregor Mendel's family life?
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What experiment method did gregor Mendels use during his study of inheritance?

Gregor Mendels goal was to figure genetics

What did Gregor Mendels parents do for a living?

Gregor Mendel was a priest.

What do mendels principles apply to?

Gregor Mendel developed principles of heredity.

What was Gregor Mendels education?

Gregor mendel went to the university of Vienna where he studied in biology until he became interested in genetics

What was gregor mendels nickname?

Father of modern science

A timeline of Gregor Mendel's life from 1865-1870?

go gregor mendels life will be there from 1822-1884 including from 1865-1870 enjoy if not then i am sincerely sorry but its worth a try cause it helped me with my essay and i you with whatever it is you need help with. d:-p

What was gregor Mendels famous for?

Genetic exploration using dominant and recessive traits in sweet pea flowers to predict color outcome of offspring.

When were Gregor mendels discoveries noticed?

they were discovered when he sent his finding to an Austrian museum. he became known as the father of genetics.

What do gregor mendels peas have to do with the study of heredity?

The peas had passed traits down like red or white and short or tall.

How is Gregor's life before and after the transformation the same?

Before the transformation, Gregor's life is characterized by routine and work. After the transformation, he still maintains a sense of duty towards his family. Both before and after, Gregor's primary concern is taking care of his family, although his means of doing so changes drastically.

Did Mendel make a major contribution to the cell theory?

Yes. Gregor Mendels 3 Principals of Inheritance show the transmission of genetic traits.