

How was Japan unified?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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13y ago

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Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Q: How was Japan unified?
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How was Japan unified and none the political figures that unified Japan?

Before the start of the Edo period a shogun named Tokugawa Ieyasu united Japan thus creating an era of peace.

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It was unified politically.

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emperor tojo

Was Japan unified through civil war?

Japan was eventually unified under Tokuagwa Ieyasu after his defeat of the final vestiges of the Toyotomi family at the Battle of Osaka in 1614 & 1615. This was the culmination of what is referred to as the Sengoku Jidai, or, Warring States Period, in Japan.

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Unified military forces of Japan are called Japan Self-Defense Forces. JSDF, occasionally referred to as JSF or SDF.

Who were Japan's enemies in the early ages?

Japan was not a unified country in its early days. There were multiple kingdoms whose enemies were the other kingdoms.

Why was japan most likely not exploring new lands at the time the other countries were?

i think it's because Japan was not unified , so it's priority was solving internal problems, i'm not sure

Who was the 1st powerful daimyo to unify Japan?

You might be referring to the end of the age of warring states, when Tokugawa Ieyasu 'unified' Japan. This was in the early 17th century.

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China did not side with Japan. The attack upon China unified both sides of the Chinese Civil War to defend China from Japan with assistance from the UK and the US.

What is Tokugawa Schogunate?

A dynasty of Japanese shoguns that ruled a unified Japan from 1603 to 1867. This was founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

When did Sony introduce PlayStation 2 in Japan?

March 2000 Sony introduced the PlayStation 2 in Japan. It incorporated many of Idei's ideas for creating a unified home electronics environment